As the new term starts, getting back into the school routine can sometimes be a difficult adjustment. A change of year group can often mean a change in pace for learning, too, so your children may be more reluctant to go to school or do homework in the evenings. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make that transition easier.
Keep the evenings free
Where possible, keep the evenings free in the first few weeks to help them settle back into a routine. After such a long break, a full day at school can be exhausting, so they may seem more tired or upset than usual. Having some time at home to rest will help.
Introduce an after-school snack
Hunger can be a big issue in the first few weeks of returning to school, especially if they’ve been snacking throughout the day over the holidays. A snack can help give them a much-needed energy boost, especially if they have homework.
Agree on a set time for homework
If your child has schoolwork to do at home, pick a set time and days (if possible) to do this. This will soon become a routine, just like the school day. If they don’t have any homework, you could introduce a quiet time or reading time to specific days to prepare them.
Follow your child’s lead
Each child is different, so while some will seem particularly tired or unsettled, others will be happier to get straight back to school and homework. If your child still seems unsettled after a few weeks, speak to their teacher to see if they can help or identify what is causing it. Sometimes, there can be a big step up in work at the start of a new year, and it can be more difficult for some children to keep up. A tutor may be able to help if they need some extra practice outside of the classroom.
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