Secondary Maths and English Tuition
For children in Years 7, 8 and 9.
Secondary school can be challenging for many children as they are faced with multiple subjects and different teaching methods.
We help children improve their grades, manage time effectively and approach school work in structured way.
Secondary help for your child
Secondary Tuition Overview
We recommend you child takes our formal pen and paper assessment, this will identify a list of topics that need help and support.
This assessment forms the basis of their Action Plan and will be the starting point for any tuition and courses.
You can book your assessment online or call us for any help and advice.
Many students give us a list of topics they want help with from school.
The individualised lessons are made up of revision, consolidation and enrichment activities.
Your child has an personal Action Plan which is updated after every lesson.
Lessons are updated and and changed every week according to your child’s needs. You can monitor their progress online.
Please let us know if there is anything they need to cover from school.
You can tell the teacher, email us or call the office.
Contact us today for a free consultation
Call free phone: 0800 917 4194
Monday -Friday: 9.00am – 6.00pm | Saturday: 8.30am – 1pm
Secondary FAQ
Yes, we will help your child with their school homework and revision – but we will not do it for them!
Yes, you can access your child’s secure online Learning Zone where you can see their current Action Plan and look at their lesson history.
We recommend that you book a reassessment every 6 months,.
This is especially important when your child has moved up a class so we can incorporate the new level of work.